Het is tegenwoordig nogal lastig om iets te vinden bij de kbc, om de haverklap sessie-fouten. Zou het weer een "wij ondersteunen geen Firefox/Linux" ding zijn of ...?
Since KBC now runs completely on the server and you are required to use a digipass, I seriously doubt it has anything to do with Linux or Firefox.
I'm using both Linux and Firefox and never had any such issue up until now... No issue beyond the mind-numbing experience of the KBC login and transaction approval misery itself that is :-(
I don't have issues with KBC online, it's just their website that doesn't work. Eg when I'm looking for contact persons at my local bank, information about loans etc. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm authenticated in KBC Online or not.
linux firefox
De laatste keer dat ik met kbc serieus hierover praatte bleek firefox wel, maar linux niet ondersteund.
firefox wordt niet
firefox wordt niet ondersteund, maar het werkt wel
all fine here
Since KBC now runs completely on the server and you are required to use a digipass, I seriously doubt it has anything to do with Linux or Firefox.
I'm using both Linux and Firefox and never had any such issue up until now... No issue beyond the mind-numbing experience of the KBC login and transaction approval misery itself that is :-(
I don't have issues with KBC
I don't have issues with KBC online, it's just their website that doesn't work. Eg when I'm looking for contact persons at my local bank, information about loans etc. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm authenticated in KBC Online or not.
You don't get to see your
You don't get to see your contact persons of your branch when you aren't logged in!
De laatste keer dat ik met
De laatste keer dat ik met kbc serieus hierover praatte bleek firefox wel, maar linux niet ondersteund.
firefox wordt niet
firefox wordt niet ondersteund, maar het werkt wel